5 Top Remote Team Management Tools for Global Teams

April 08, 2024
top remote team management tools for global teams

The traditional office environment is no longer the sole domain of productivity. A 2023 study by Owl Labs revealed a seismic shift, with a whopping 73% of knowledge workers now desiring a hybrid or fully remote work model. While this trend unlocks a global talent pool and fosters flexibility, managing remote teams presents a unique set of challenges. Here’s where remote team management tools and software step in to bridge the geographical gap and empower your team for success.

These are not only virtual stand-ins for in-person conversations. These are online workplaces that facilitate clear communication, expedite processes, and instill a sense of teamwork—all essential components of a successful remote team. Let’s delve into the top 5 remote team management tools, exploring their functionalities with specific use cases, business examples, and valuable tips to get the most out of each platform:Say Goodbye to Hiring Challenges

5 Top Remote Team Management Tools

1. Manage Projects with Asana & Trello

Do you have a team scattered across time zones, juggling diverse projects? How do you ensure everyone’s aligned, tasks are completed on time, and dependencies are managed effectively? Project management software like Asana and Trello become your secret weapons.

Teams may build and manage projects using Asana to set clear objectives, assign tasks, set deadlines, and manage dependencies. This facilitates accountability and transparency. You may analyze statistics on team performance and pinpoint bottlenecks with configurable reports. With more than 100 integrations, it provides free options for individuals and small teams of up to ten users.

Use Case

A marketing agency with a remote team in New York, London, and Mumbai is working on a social media campaign for a global client. Trello helps them create separate boards for each social media platform (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) with dedicated lists for content creation, scheduling, and analytics. Each team member can visualize progress on their tasks, collaborate on content strategy within cards, and track overall campaign progress through the board.

Business Example

Zapier, a remote-first company with over 2,500 employees, utilizes Asana for comprehensive project management. They leverage Asana’s goal-setting feature to track key strategic initiatives, while task dependencies ensure a streamlined product development process across various teams.


Choose a remote team management tool that aligns with your team’s size and work style. Explore free trials to assess functionalities before committing. Invest time in training your team to optimize tool usage.

2. Communicate with Slack

Effective communication is the lifeblood of any team and is even more critical for remote teams. Remote team management tools like Slack offer a dynamic communication platform. Slack is an excellent tool for real-time instant messaging since it allows you to use customizable channels to group talks by teams, projects, or themes.

In Slack channels, teams may quickly search through shared files, chats, and data. In addition, it provides mobile apps for Slack usage on the move, fast notification features, and connections with well-known business programs like Zoom, Trello, and Google Drive.

Use Case

A software development company with a remote team in Berlin and Bangalore utilizes remote team tools like Slack for real-time communication. Developers can quickly clarify coding challenges in dedicated project channels, while the “watercooler” channel serves as a casual space for team members to interact.

Business Example

Automattic, the company behind WordPress, operates with a fully remote workforce exceeding 1,800 employees. Slack serves as their primary communication platform, facilitating team collaboration across continents and fostering a strong sense of community.


Establish clear communication guidelines for your team within Slack. Encourage open communication by actively participating in discussions and responding promptly to messages. Utilize emojis and GIFs to add a touch of personality and boost team morale.

3. Collaborate without Borders with Google Drive

Remote work doesn’t have to mean sacrificing collaboration. Remote team management tools like Google Drive empower teams to work together seamlessly, even when miles apart. Google Drive facilitates file sharing across remote teams, eliminating obstacles to productivity.

Users may download the program straight to their desktop computer or mobile device, giving them immediate access to shared or private content. Users may collaborate on projects and exchange data from any location in the world, and device syncing is automatic. For remote teams who generate content, utilize spreadsheets, or exchange calendars, Google Drive is an absolute “must-have.”

Use Case

A design team with team members in San Francisco and Tokyo is working on a new website layout. They utilize Google Drive to store all design assets, including mockups and style guides. With real-time collaboration features, designers can work on different sections of the layout simultaneously, providing feedback and suggestions through comments within the document.

Business Example

InVision, a design prototyping platform, leverages Google Drive for seamless collaboration between their geographically dispersed design and engineering teams. Real-time document editing ensures everyone is working on the latest version of design assets, while comments within documents facilitate clear communication and feedback exchange.


Train your team on effective document collaboration practices in Google Drive, such as utilizing comments and version history for better tracking. Encourage the use of templates for commonly used documents to ensure consistency and efficiency. Explore the advanced features of Miro, such as voting tools and mind-mapping functionalities, to enhance brainstorming sessions.

4. Time Tracking Transparency with Harvest

Trust and transparency are paramount for successful remote team management. Time-tracking remote team management tools like Harvest provide valuable insights. With the help of this additional time sheeting tool, managers can make sure that remote teams are operating at their best. Harvest gives managers a clear picture of the team’s time allocation by displaying dry data visually. This makes it easier for you to monitor billable hours.

The fact that it notifies you when a member of your team is working over their normal workload is also significant. This important information supports you in preventing team burnout and overwork, even when you are working remotely.

Use Case

A consulting firm with remote consultants across the globe utilizes Harvest to track their time spent on client projects. This data is used to generate detailed reports for clients, showcasing the time invested in various tasks and ensuring billing transparency. Internally, project managers leverage Harvest data to analyze team productivity and identify potential bottlenecks in workflows.

Business Example

Toptal, a network of freelance talent, utilizes Harvest to track the time spent by freelance developers on client projects. This not only ensures accurate client billing but also allows Toptal to analyze project timelines and resource allocation for future client engagements.


Choose a time-tracking tool that integrates seamlessly with your existing project management software. Encourage clear communication around time-tracking expectations with your team. Utilize time-tracking data for informed decision-making, not micromanagement.

5. Foster Connection with Zoom

While remote work offers flexibility and convenience, it can also lead to feelings of isolation. Remote team management tools like Donut and Zoom help bridge the gap and build a strong team spirit.

Zoom gained popularity in 2019 and 2020 when COVID-19 caused us to stay indoors, and we haven’t looked back since. This app has completely changed the way we communicate with our distant colleagues. It is utilized for conducting interviews, communicating, and setting up seminars via video conferencing.

Use Case

A customer service team with a remote workforce spread across various countries utilizes Zoom for regular team meetings and training sessions. Additionally, they leverage Zoom’s breakout room feature to conduct small group discussions and role-playing exercises, replicating the dynamics of in-person training sessions.

Business Example

GitLab, a company with a fully distributed workforce, utilizes Donut to foster connections amongst its global team members. These random pairings encourage casual conversations, helping team members from different departments and regions get to know each other on a personal level.


Schedule regular team meetings and virtual social events using Zoom to maintain a sense of connection. Encourage the use of video calls over just audio to enhance communication and build rapport. Utilize Donut or similar tools to break down silos and create opportunities for team members to connect outside of project work.

Integrating Remote Team Management Software

By strategically integrating these top 5 remote team management tools into your workflow, you can empower your geographically dispersed team to achieve remarkable results. Remember, the key is to choose tools that align with your specific team needs and foster a collaborative, productive, and ultimately happy remote work environment. As the future of work continues to evolve, these tools will play a pivotal role in ensuring the success of remote teams across the globe.

Considerations for the Future of Remote Team Management

The landscape of remote team management is constantly evolving, with new remote team management tools and trends emerging all the time. Here are some key considerations to stay ahead of the curve:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation

AI can revolutionize remote team management by automating repetitive tasks like scheduling meetings, summarizing key points from video calls, and generating reports. This will free up valuable time for human team members to focus on strategic initiatives and creative work.

See more: What Is the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment

Employee Wellbeing and Mental Health

While remote work offers flexibility, it can also lead to feelings of isolation and burnout. Tools that promote mindfulness, meditation, and mental health resources can become crucial for supporting remote team well-being. Platforms that offer features like focus time tracking and designated “do not disturb” functionalities can also help employees manage their time effectively and create healthy work-life boundaries.

Focus on Outcomes, Not Activity

As remote work becomes the norm, the traditional 9-to-5 workday may become less relevant. A shift towards outcome-based management will be crucial, where performance is measured by results achieved rather than hours worked. This empowers remote teams to manage their own time effectively and fosters a culture of trust and accountability.

The Rise of the Async Workplace

With geographically dispersed teams, asynchronous communication becomes increasingly important. Platforms that facilitate asynchronous communication, such as Loom for recording video messages or remote team management tools like Nuclino for collaborative note-taking, allow team members to contribute and access information on their own schedules, irrespective of time zones.

Prioritizing Cybersecurity

As the remote work landscape expands, so does the potential for cyber threats. Implementing robust cybersecurity measures, including data encryption tools and employee training on online security best practices, is crucial for protecting sensitive company information.


The future of work belongs to geographically dispersed, technology-powered teams. By embracing the right remote team tools and fostering a culture of collaboration, trust, and well-being, organizations can unlock the immense potential of remote work. The top 5 remote team management tools explored here are a starting point, but the key lies in continuous learning, adaptation, and a commitment to building thriving remote work ecosystems. As technology continues to evolve, so too will the landscape of remote team management. By staying ahead of the curve and embracing these emerging trends, organizations can empower their remote teams to achieve remarkable results and thrive in the dynamic work environment of tomorrow.

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