September 10, 2024
Python vs Java

Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace were working on the Analytical Engine in 1883. Lovelace wrote an algorithm to compute Bernoulli numbers on this machine, laying the groundwork for the programming languages behind everything from the website you are reading this blog on to the software on your phone and your computer’s operating system.

Guido van Rossum created Python in 1991 as a solution to the complexities of programming. In 1995, Java was introduced as a research project which was supposed to be primarily used in embedded systems, like TVs and multimedia devices.

Therefore, we are here to learn more about the subliminal debate of Python vs Java in this ultimate comparison between both programming giants.

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An Introduction to Python and Java

It may seem like there is no major difference between Java and Python since developers often use both languages interchangeably for different tasks. Here is a brief overview of both languages so you know the differences between Python vs Java:


. ] Python is usually referred to as the gift that keeps on giving because of its easy-to-read syntax and versatility. It was created to simplify programming, making it more accessible to beginners while still powerful enough for professionals.

Key Features

  • Syntax Simplicity: Python has a clean and simple syntax. Python uses indentation to define blocks of code instead of using ‘;’ as done in C-based languages.
  • Dynamic Typing: Python uses dynamic typing. This means you don’t need to specify data types while defining each variable; Python figures it out automatically.
  • Extensive Standard Libraries: At the time of writing, Python has a massive 137000 libraries under its domain, which cover a range of functionalities.


Java was invented to create a programming language suited for small electronic devices. The developers began working on the Green Project to see how digital technology could merge with home appliances. This triggered the development of a new language named Oak. Oak later became Java.

Key Features

  • Static Typing: Java uses static typing, which means you have to declare the type of every variable before you use it in your program. While tedious, this approach helps catch errors early in the development process and makes the code more predictable.
  • Platform Independence: One of Java’s best features is platform independence. Java code is compiled into bytecode, which runs on the Java Virtual Machine.

Syntax and Ease of Use

When comparing Python vs Java, syntax and ease of writing should be top priorities if you plan to develop large-scale systems.


The indentation feature in Python code makes it easy to follow and keeps things organized and its syntax is intuitive.

Let’s start with the iconic ‘Hello World’ to show the difference in syntax in Python and Java:

Code Example

print(“Hello, World!”)



Java’s syntax is more verbose and structured. It improves organization, which is great for larger projects. If you want to hire a Java developer, then make sure that they have a good command of their OOP concepts.

Code Example

public class HelloWorld {

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println(“Hello, World!”);



Development Speed and Productivity

You need to know the difference between Java and Python because choosing either will impact how quickly you can complete a project.


Python’s rapid prototyping allows developers to quickly generate new ideas, design algorithms, write assembly code, and build functional code from scratch.


While Python is more free-willed and closer to human language, Java’s static typing forces you to follow a more disciplined coding process. This means you will have to declare each method and define every class.

Java also takes help from powerful Integrated Development Environments like IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse. These IDEs come with advanced features like code completion, debugging, and refactoring tools.


Performance (The Deciding Factor)

A comparison of Java vs Python is incomplete without discussing their performance, which is often the deciding factor for development teams.


Python is an interpreted language, which means that its code is executed line-by-line by the interpreter at runtime. While this provides flexibility and ease of use, the execution is slower because Python has a Just-In-Time compiler that compiles Python code to machine code at runtime.

Since Python is dynamically typed, variable types are determined at runtime instead of compile-time. This can impact performance because the interpreter has to constantly check the types of variables during execution, which can slow down the system.


While Java is a compiled language on the cover, it puts a unique spin on it. Java code is first compiled into bytecode, a temporary form of code that is executed by the Java Virtual Machine, so it can run on any device.

Java’s JIT compilation converts bytecode into machine code at runtime. The compiler uses the bytecode to spot those code paths that are used again and again. It converts these code paths into machine code, so the next time you use the code path or call a function that is already compiled, the JIT system won’t compile it again.


A Quick Comparison of Python vs Java

Here is a detailed Java vs. Python table so you can compare both languages and settle for one that’s best suited to your development tasks.


TypeInterpretedCompiled (to bytecode)
SyntaxSimple and readable; relies on indentation.Verbose; uses explicit braces and semicolons.
TypingDynamically typedStatically typed
Execution ModelInterpreted at runtimeCompiled to bytecode, then executed by JVM
Development SpeedFast; simpler syntax and dynamic typing enable rapid prototyping.Moderate; more verbose but robust for large-scale applications.
Error CheckingRuntime errors due to dynamic typing.Compile-time errors, leading to more robust code.
Memory ManagementAutomatic garbage collectionAutomatic garbage collection, managed by JVM
IDE and ToolingGood IDE support (e.g., PyCharm, VS Code)Excellent IDE support (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse)
Use CasesWeb development, data science, scripting, automation.Enterprise applications, Android development, large systems.
Learning CurveGentle; beginner-friendlySteeper; requires understanding of OOP concepts
Platform IndependenceRequires Python interpreter on each platformPlatform-independent via JVM
ConcurrencyLimited by GIL for multi-threadingStrong support for multi-threading and parallelism
Development ParadigmMulti-paradigm (procedural, object-oriented, functional)Primarily object-oriented

Final Verdict

If you use Github or Stackoverflow, you will know that Python vs Java has amassed a community that celebrates both languages for their unique features. If you need to quickly prototype an idea or work on data analysis, Python’s straightforward nature and endless libraries will serve you well.

Java, on the other hand, guarantees performance and reliability, guaranteed. Java has been a big part of the modern Android systems we see and use today, which indicates that the language is a great and preferred option for large-scale applications.

Are you ready to build your next project with top-tier talent? At Xperti, we specialize in connecting organizations with the best Python and Java developers. Our AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform guarantees that you hire highly skilled remote developers who are experts in their field.




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