How To Use Python Dataclasses?

June 01, 2023
How to Use Python DataClasses

Creating custom objects with unique properties and methods using classes in Python is a headache, as you have to write inessentially complex boilerplate code to integrate functions such as comparison operators or define class instances.

Luckily, there exists a better way to create custom objects in Python; dataclasses. Introduced in Python 3.7, they provide a quick fix to create new classes and save developers from writing lines of complex codes for basic operations.

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Class vs. Dataclasses: The Difference

class Book:

    '''Object for tracking physical books in a collection.'''

    def __init__(self, name: str, weight: float, shelf_id:int = 0): = name

        self.weight = weight # in grams, for calculating shipping

        self.shelf_id = shelf_id

    def __repr__(self):


            weight={self.weight!r}, shelf_id={self.shelf_id!r})")

Above is the traditional way to create classes in Python and it is evident how needlessly complex it is. Ironically, in it, __init__ cause the most stress as the method requires copying every argument passed through __init__ to the object’s properties.

In the example above, the process doesn’t look so messy. However, repeat the same for its parent and child classes times infinity, and you will know. The act doesn’t only take time but also up the odds of error as manually typing repetitive codes is no child’s play.

Now let’s deploy the same class the new way by using Python dataclasses.

from dataclasses import dataclass


class Book:

    '''Object for tracking physical books in a collection.'''

    name: str

    weight: float

    shelf_id: int = 0

The difference is clear. Python dataclasses perform the same in lesser code, as properties or fields in a dataclass generate the missing code automatically. More so, it also preserves the information for later use and enables us to make the most use of code linter like mypy.

In addition, Python dataclasses also auto-create codes for dunder methods. The feature is on display in two Python dataclass examples above. In the first, we had to define __repr__, while in the second, the @dataclass decorator suffice.

As the final product is functionally identical, it is a no-brainer to use dataclasses over classes for ease of use.

How to use the field Function in Python Dataclasses?

In Python dataclasses, the default specifications work to create basic functional classes more often than not. However, sometimes, you may have to tweak how the fields get processed. Luckily, the process is still not as arduous as creating classes old-style. Here’s an example below:

from dataclasses import dataclass, field, InitVar

from typing import List


class Book:

    '''Object for tracking physical books in a collection.'''

    name: str    

    condition: str = field(compare=False)   

    weight: float = field(default=0.0, repr=False)

    shelf_id: int = 0

    chapters: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)

How to Customize Python Dataclasses?

You can use one of two ways to attain further control over customization while working with Python dataclasses.

1) Using InitVar

InitVar helps customize dataclasses in Python seamlessly. The function enables us to pass a specified field to __init__ and __post_init__ without storing the data in any class instance. Also, the method lets you key in parameters used exclusively during initialization.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field, InitVar

from typing import List


class Book:

    '''Object for tracking physical books in a collection.'''

    name: str    

    condition: InitVar[str] = "Good"

    weight: float = field(default=0.0, repr=False)

    shelf_id: int = field(init=False)

    chapters: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)

    def __post_init__(self, condition):

        if condition == "Unacceptable":

            self.shelf_id = None


            self.shelf_id = 0

Defining the field’s type as InitVar with the actual field type as a subtype signals @dataclass decorator not to classify it as a dataclass field and pass data as an argument on to __post_init__.

2) Using __post_init__

Like InitVar, the __post_init__ also lets you modify fields or other data types in a Python dataclass.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field, InitVar

from typing import List


class Book:

    '''Object for tracking physical books in a collection.'''

    name: str   

    weight: float = field(default=0.0, repr=False)

    shelf_id: Optional[int] = field(init=False)

    chapters: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)

    condition: str = field(default="Good", compare=False)

    def __post_init__(self):

        if self.condition == "Discarded":

            self.shelf_id = None


            self.shelf_id = 0

The Final Word

Python dataclasses provides us with a more efficient way to code new classes. Specifically, they act as an ideal replacement for functions like namedtuple, as they function the same way and create less hassle. In addition, a developer could also use them to replace nested dictionaries, for obviously, countering clumsiness.

Above are some applications for Python dataclasses. However, it is integral to understand sometimes classes can get the job done, and it is best not to make replacing each with a dataclass a knee-jerk reaction. First, evaluate the complexities involved, then decide whether to ditch the class for a dataclass or stick with it.

Also Read: A Guide To Assert In Python With Examples

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