August 20, 2024
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Python is one of the most famous high-level, general purpose programming language in the world, with a design philosophy that uses code readability and significant indentation (the spaces or tabs at the beginning of a line). Now, this might initially seem to be irrelevant, but checking a Python size file is a useful skill to have.

For this article, we will walk you through the process of getting a python list size, even if you are an expert or just starting. Once you are done, you will know how to check Python file size, like a pro!

Understanding ‘Getting the Size of a File in Python’

Getting the Python file size means that you know how much space you are dedicating to any downloaded content you have. The best way to describe it, is to imagine you are sending a parcel. You have limited space and must put in each and every item so that it doesn’t rip or overload. To do this, you need to check the weight of each item. It is the same with file sizes; you need to check their size to make sure all of them fit into the memory available in your system. File sizes are measured in Bytes, and this is what each of them means:

  • Bytes (B): The smallest unit of data. A single byte can hold one character, like the letter ‘A’ or the number ‘1’.
  • Kilobytes (KB): 1,024 bytes make up a kilobyte. This is like a small book’s worth of text.
  • Megabytes (MB): 1,024 kilobytes make up a megabyte. Think of it as a music album or a small photo.
  • Gigabytes (GB): 1,024 megabytes make up a gigabyte. This is the size of a movie or a large collection of photos.
  • Terabytes (TB): 1,024 gigabytes make up a terabyte. Imagine this as the size of an entire library of movies or thousands of high-resolution photos.

Understanding these units is important because it helps you check python file size to manage them better. Additionally, information in Python size, is useful when working on projects with large amounts of data.

Why and When You Need to Know the File Size

Knowing the Python size of your files helps you manage and use them appropriately. Here are a few situations where a Python list size matters:

  1. Managing Storage Space: If you are running low on storage, it is good to know which files are taking the most space so you can act accordingly.
  2. Working with Large Files: When you are processing big files, like videos or large sets of data, knowing the Python size helps you plan. If a file is too large, it will slow down your computer, so it is better to be prepared.
  3. Uploading and Downloading Files: If you are uploading files online or downloading them, the Python size tells you how long it will take or if you have enough space.
  4. Backing Up Files: When saving copies of your files, knowing the size helps you figure out where and how to download them.
  5. Spotting Problems: Sometimes, an unusually large file size can be a sign of an issue, like a corrupted file. With a Python size list, you can delete it if needed.

Steps to Get the Size of a File in Python

There are a few different ways to find out how big a file is using Python. Let’s go through each of these:

  • Method 1: Using os.path.getsize()

This is probably the easiest way to get the size of a file. The os.path.getsize() function does exactly what it sounds like: it gets the size of a file.

How It Works

  • First, you need to import the os module, which gives you access to functions that interact with your operating system.
  • Then, you can use os.path.getsize() and pass it the file’s path (where the file is located on your computer).
  • The function returns the size of the file in bytes
  • Method 2: Using os.stat()

Another way to get the file size is by using the os.stat() function. This method provides more information about the file, not just its size.

How It Works

  • Like the first method, you start by importing the os module
  • Then, use os.stat() and give it the path to the file
  • This function returns an object with several attributes, including st_size, which is the size of the file in bytes.
  • Method 3: Using Path.stat() from the pathlib Module

The pathlib module offers a more modern way to handle file paths in Python. Using Path.stat() is similar to os.stat() but is often considered easier to read and use.

How It Works

  • To start, you need to import Path from the pathlib module.
  • Then, create a Path object pointing to your file.
  • Finally, use the stat() method on this object and access the st_size attribute to get the file size.

Comparison of Methods and When to Use Each

Here is a quick comparison of each to help you make the best decision for you when you get Python file size:

  • os.path.getsize(): Simple and quick. Use this when you only need the file size and nothing else.
  • os.stat(): Provides more details about the file. Use this if you need additional information such as when the file was last modified.
  • Path.stat(): A modern and cleaner way to handle file paths and get the file size. Use this if you prefer more readable code and are working with paths in other parts of your program.

Each method does the job, so the best one to use depends on your specifics and how much information you want about the file.

Handling Errors and Exceptions

Though simple, you might run into two common errors when getting the Python size. When you try to get the size of a file in Python, errors can occur if something goes wrong. These issues might stop your program from working as expected.

  • FileNotFoundError: The file you are looking for doesn’t exist, possibly due to a typo or the file being moved.
  • PermissionError: You don’t have the required permissions to access the file.
  • IsADirectoryError: This happens when you try to get the size of a directory instead of a file. Python expects a file, so it raises this error to let you know it can’t do that with a directory.
  • NotADirectoryError: The opposite of the above, this error occurs if Python expects a directory but finds a regular file instead. It’s like looking for a folder but finding a single document.
  • OSError: This is a general error that can happen for various reasons, like problems with the file system or if the file path is too long. It’s a catch-all for issues related to the operating system.
  • TypeError: If you pass the wrong type of argument (like a number instead of a file path), Python will raise this error to say, “Hey, this isn’t what I expected.”
  • IOError: This used to be a separate error but now is mostly merged with OSError. It can happen if there’s a problem reading or writing to a file, like if the disk is full or there’s an interruption.


So, that is pretty much it. All you have to do now is practice these on your own, and figure out which of these methods work best for what you need to get your file’s Python size. Remember: the more you practice, the more you learn, so keep handling files through Python. Don’t worry if you make a few mistakes along the way, it is all a part of the Python learning process. Good luck!



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